Visit the center on Friday & Saturday 12 PM – 5 PM

Vialet’s Services

Vialet has been on a healing path her whole life. She has been called a spiritual guardian that is strongly connected and highly intuitive. A teacher, coach, healer, and spiritual leader that dreams of a peaceful and harmonious world.

Her mission is to provide individuals with the tools and resources to discover their own healing powers within themselves so they may empower their own lives. Vialet’s spiritual journey has provided her with everyday life rituals, experiences, and spiritual wisdom that allow her to overcome difficult situations and to create a life that she has always dreamed of.

Vialet wants everyone to discover their spiritual gifts in the tools and rituals that will improve their lives and the lives of their families.

  • What type of life have you dreamed about?
  • What is missing in your life?
  • What is blocking you from moving forward and creating that life for yourself?

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts will provide you with educational programs that allow you to discover your own healing powers. Vialet also provides personal coaching and healing sessions for individuals who are ready to take steps to move forward and enrich their personal journeys.

Vialet is an intuitive spiritual leader that is guiding individuals to connect with their inner power and healing gifts, so they experience life to the fullest. She is a Spiritualist, Christian, and Spiritual Leader with teachings in the areas of Reiki, Spiritualism, Universal Mystery School, Universal Shamanism, Universal Qabalah, Akashic Records and much more. Vialet has always connected with the traditions of the Native American Indian with her Cherokee family heritage.

Her sacred space welcomes individuals from all backgrounds and belief systems. She is the magical creator of Discover Your Spiritual Gifts. She teaches classes on the services that she offers and has written her own books on the topics that she teaches. She works with Cosmic, Spiritual and Angelic Hierarchies of Light. She is a master teacher, reader and healer.

Contact: [email protected]

You may watch videos on Vialet’s Services at: Click here

Are you searching for answers?

  • What are the Akashic Records?
  • Why get an Akashic Records reading?
  • What can I expect in a reading?
  • How do I prepare for the reading?

The loving healing energy of the Akashic Records is a powerful tool for exploration and transformation.The Records can provide guidance, insight, direction, and much more for your life. The Akasha holds all of the information on your soul’s journey past, present, and future possibilities. We recommend getting these powerful sessions every six months. Our lives shift and change so rapidly. These will assist with providing you with focus and guidance.

The Records contain information on every thought, word spoken, and action that every individual has experienced since the dawn of Creation. It is a powerful system that is interactive and influential in our lives, Your Akashic Records hold deep wisdom on your relationships, belief systems, programming, and potential possibilities.


Are searching for guidance in this present moment? 

  • Bring a question to the reading.
  • Be open to the messages from the universe.
  • Get the clarity that you need to move forward.

You may choose Angel Tarot or the Wisdom of Pooh Tarot deck for your reading. Vialet will use a variety of card spreads depending on the question.

In-person/Virtual Readings available

Are you stuck or stagnant?

  • What is a Divine Healing session?
  • When should I get a Divine Healing session?
  • What are the benefits of sound healing?
  • What are the benefits of crystal healing?

These sessions include sound, crystal, and energy healings. They are powerful energy clearings. The client gets to experience Vialet’s Sacred Sanctuary for healing. She is intuitively guided on what is needed for your highest and best good. Her focus is to clear your emotional, mental, and physical body of blocks and energetic debris that may be impacting your well-being. Vialet checks and balances your chakras in these sessions.

Since the physical body is primarily water, the sound travels easily through the tissues of the physical. Scientific research suggests that sound healing can assist with managing stress, improving sleep, reducing anxiety and depressions and it will overall enhance the individual’s well-being. Hospitals and healthcare centers are starting to use sound therapy as part of their practices to support patient care.

Are you craving positive change in your life?

  • What is a DNA & Merkabah Activation?
  • What is your Spiritual DNA?
  • What is your Spiritual Merkabah?
  • Who should get an activation?

This is an ancient healing modality that feeds your physical and etheric bodies Divine Light & Love. This powerful healing technique is handed down to the Warriors of Light in the Sacred Temple Mystery School. You must feed your body water and food in order to survive. Shouldn’t you be also feeding your bodies Divine Light?

These sessions will activate your unique energetic imprint to align you with your soul essence. As you come into this world, it is easy to become misaligned with your path. For most individuals, they believed that they were meant to climb the corporate ladder of success, to follow in their families footprints, to gain recognition for their accomplishments through material achievement, but do these things align with your soul’s energetic imprint?

What is a CAP REMOVAL?

When we are angry, disappointed, frustration, etc. with the Divine, we will disconnect from the Divine. These are the times that you walk away from who you are and your soul’s guidance. It will create an etheric cap over your Crown Chakra to block your connection. This disconnection will dim the Light and deaden the etheric crystals in your head area. A cap removal reconnects you and allows you to realign with your soul’s guidance system.

Would you like to be FREE from the emotional triggers that impact your daily life?

  • Do you believe that you have emotional attachments?
  • Are old relationships still impacting your current relationships?
  • Do you have emotional patterns or behaviors that need healing?

Everyone has emotional attachments and cords to their relationships, experiences, and behavior patterns that they have created through their lifetime. Each time you have an emotional reaction that lasts over 15 minutes, you have created a cord and/or attachment to that individual, circumstance, and/or situation.

During the first session, Vialet will remove any hooks, implants, binds (thread, feet or hands), etc. Do ever have pains that you cannot seem to heal or dissolve? You may have stuck energy from past lives or emotional energies created within this lifetime.

These create emotional triggers in our lives. You have attachments to family members, friends, co-workers, teachers, students, groups, workplaces, experiences, etc. The cords create a binding cord between you and them that influences your emotions, thoughts and reactions to specific situations. These sessions heal the wounds seven generations back and seven generations forward.

I highly recommend five sessions to complete the healing process.

A single session will assist with an experience that happened once. Example: A rough day at work or an argument with your partner that you cannot stop thinking about.

PACKAGE 5 sessions with one FREE session

If you completed your first session and want to complete the series, this is the package for you! Packages expire in 90 days.

If you have purchased a package or you are scheduling a specific session, please use the schedule buttons below (You will need your Package Code. Enter in the payment section for Package, gift, or coupon code):

Would you love to experience healing from the Angelic realm?

  • Are you seeking divine healing for your highest and best good? 
  • Are you ready for ascension? 
  • Are you hoping for clarity and direction?

Angelic Reiki is a high frequency, multidimensional system of Angelic Healing and expansive consciousness that provides you with the healing connection through the Angelic Kingdom of Light. The Angelic Kingdom includes the Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters and Galactic Healers. The energy sources that you need are provided. The sessions are never the same because the Angelic Kingdom brings forth the perfect energy for you at that time.

The sacred space is set for the Angelic Kingdom and they are in control. They will bring in the perfect energy for the healing. It may include a specific Archangel, Angel, Ascended Master or Galactic Healer or a group. Vialet will hold the space for them to do their work and provide any messages that they may have for you. The Angelic Kingdom is totally in charge of the session. 

Each participant’s experience will be different. No two sessions are ever the same

These are 30-45 minute sessions. The healing takes 15-20 minutes. Vialet channels messages during the session.

PACKAGE Angelic Reiki healing + Angel Card reading

These are 30-45 minute reading. Vialet uses angel cards for the reading.

Are you seeking support on your spiritual journey?

  • Do you feel blocked and unable to move forward?
  • Is your life experiencing repeatable cycles?
  • Have you become overly sensitive to the energies around you?
  • Do you want to understand your spiritual gifts?
  • Would you like some direction and focus?

Vialet has mentored hundreds of clients. She is able to customize the program to the individual’s need and focus. Some clients are hoping for positive change in their lives, some are seeking guidance and understanding of their spiritual journey, some are searching for support for improving their overall life, etc. Vialet offers individual sessions and/or packages. Each of the packages provide you with some additional savings.

You can schedule a session with Vialet for:

  • Answering your spiritual questions
  • Direction on DYSG offerings
  • Support on your spiritual journey
  • Spiritual guidance for your life that is customized to your needs.

PACKAGE Coaching Mentoring 12 sessions

Mentoring/Coaching (6 sessions) expires after 120 days. The packages are different for everyone. Vialet will focus on what you would like to change in your life.

  • Are you wanting to start your own business? 
  • Do want to convert your passion into a business?
  • Would you like to learn how to shift your business to the next level?

Vialet supports individuals in starting or expanding their business. She has twenty years experience in start-up companies including teaching business classes for undergraduate and graduate programs. Vialet has successfully started two businesses and has a strong understanding on business ethics, standards, marketing, operations, etc. She loves guiding small business owners in starting and expanding their businesses that align with their passions and inspirations. 

It can be stressful starting a business. Most businesses fail within the first couple of years of opening. It takes determination and lots of work to have a successful business. There are no secret routes to success. Each business is different and it is important to understand the heart of the business. The packages are different for everyone. Vialet will focus on assisting you with your business.

You can schedule a session with Vialet for:

  • Establishing a business strategy
  • Creating a marketing plan
  • Designing prints on Canva
  • And much more . . .

Business plans and strategies along with technical education.

PACKAGE Coaching Mentoring 12 sessions

Business Coaching (6 sessions) expires after 120 days.

READINGS & COACHING DISCLAIMER: These services are intended for adults 18 years of age and older. This website and the practitioners make no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, relevancy, or quality of the information or sessions provided. All readings and messages are for entertainment purposes. We do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any person or entity for any loss or damages (including without limitation, physical, mental, emotional, special, indirect, incidental or consequential) caused with regard to any information and/or suggestion (s) or advice provided to you through a service, or as a result of your use of this service. The readings and coaching sessions are provided for guidance only. What you decide to do with the information given to you, including any actions you take, is your own personal responsibility.

HEALING DISCLAIMER: These sessions are intended to support you on your healing path and spiritual journey. Vialet is not a certified or licensed medical professional or mental health provider. These programs are not intended to address any medical, mental, emotional, and/or legal issues. You should always consult a medical professional, mental health provider or legal professional for any physical, mental, emotional, and legal issues that may need professional attention.

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and/or to discontinue this service and website at any time.